GentleMax Pro™
The GentleMax Pro™ Advantage:
Superior Power and Safety
Faster Treatment Session with Greater Performance and More Versatility!
Laser technology has developed dramatically over the last 10 years. Even as recently as the mid 90′s people interested in improving their skin or removing unwanted hair were limited in their choices. As science has expanded our understanding of heat and light, the power of lasers to treat a variety of cosmetic and medical needs has grown dramatically. From Lasik™ to Laser Hair Removal, Skin Tighten to Tattoo Removal… patients around the world are seeing their problems disappear under a tiny beam of light.
The GentleMax Pro™ is a single consolidated system that delivers an array of treatments . It is a dual wavelength laser platform that combines the speed and power of 755 nm Alexandrite laser (GentleLASE®) with the 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser (GentleYAG®) for high performance treatment capabilities in terms of speed, efficacy, ease-of-use, outstanding performance, safety and patient satisfaction.
GentleLASE® is considered by many physicians as one of the leading hair removal lasers on the market today.
GentleYAG® is also highly popular for hair removal for all colors of skin, skin tightening, and leg & facial vein removal. GentleYAG® has the ability to treat finer hairs previously untouched by many of the other lasers.
Candela Corporation has integrated the power of two industry leading aesthetic laser treatment systems, the GentleLASE® and GentleYAG®, into one brilliant GentleMax Pro™
GentleMax Pro™ is raising the bar…
in performance, design and reliability. Having them in a single machine Has revolutionize Skin Procedures – its total hair removal solution in one box.
This redesigned device will enhance the experience our patients with its quieter sound to how efficient it performs.
The GentleMax Pro™ Treatment System
Not Just for Hair Removal……
The GentleMax Pro™ laser features dual wavelengths technology and provides permanent hair reduction on all skin types including tanned skin. GentleMax Pro™ will treatment vascular and pigmented lesions, wrinkle reduction and skin tightening. With the creation of the GentleMax Pro™ system, it is now possible for one device to do the work of two popular laser systems. This evolution in laser treatment promises to offer our patients a faster and more effective treatment experience than with merely one laser alone. The GentleMax Pro™ can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions including:
- Hair Removal
- Facial & Leg Veins
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles
- Skin Tightening
- Skin Rejuvenation